There Are Just 3 Important Things
Everything else is Noise!

1. Wavelengths

  • Red Light Therapy is simply about extracting the most healing wavelengths from the electromagnetic spectrum (light that we can see and near infrared light that we can't see) and putting them in a device.
  • It is more beneficial than just being in the Sun because the selected wavelengths that heal are built into the device at much greater power than what you get from the Sun, which helps them penetrate deep and heal your body.
  • So it's obvious that the wavelengths emitted by the device are of PRIMARY Importance!
  • Next question is - which wavelengths are right for you? Let's cover that next before touching points 2 and 3.

So Which Wavelengths Are Best Suited to Each Condition?

We fed details of 2600 studies with wavelengths used and results (very positive, somewhat positive and no effect) to a self developed LLM AI. Here are the results:

Skin & Anti Aging

Conditions covered: Skin rejuvenation, acne, facial filler-related adverse reactions, facial veins, skin non-deep wounds, melasma, psoriasis, dermatitis, scars, UV skin damage and erythema, vitiligo.

630/633nm, 660nm, 830nm, 808/810nm + Blue for anti-bacterial uses

Wavelengths very close to each other are called Bio-equivalent wavelengths because they have near identical effects.

Pain & Inflammation

Conditions covered: Pain, inflammation, deeper wounds, ulcers, burns, tendon injuries, arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, heel pain, neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, TMD, muscle injuries, joint pain, sprain, strain, fracture, edema, swelling.

830nm, 630/633nm, 1064nm, 660nm, 808/810nm, 850nm

Ordered by percentage of successful studies.

Workout + Athletic + Weight Management

Conditions covered: Weight/fat loss, adipose, lipoplasty, body contouring, post-exercise recovery, athletic recovery, sport recovery, muscle recovery, pre- and post-workout, fitness assistance, performance enhancement, endurance, strength building, fatigue, metabolism, mitochondrial betterment, energy, aerobic performance, anaerobic performance, cycling, running, swimming.

850nm, 808/810nm, 905nm, 660nm

Mental Health & Brain

Conditions covered: Alzheimer’s, anxiety, autism, bipolar disorder, cerebral conditions, cognitive health, concussion, depression, EEG, fMRI, functional connectivity, mental health, neurology-related conditions, Parkinson’s, psychiatric disorders, psychology, stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), memory function, attention improvement, focus and concentration, mood, dementia, ADHD, schizophrenia, OCD, PTSD, addiction.

810nm, 1064nm, 830nm, 850nm, 630/633nm, 870nm


Conditions covered: Sleep, insomnia, circadian rhythm, melatonin related conditions, jet lag, sleep apnea, sleep disorders, sleep quality, sleep latency, REM sleep, deep sleep, slow-wave sleep, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, sleep paralysis, Kleine-Levin syndrome.

830nm, 850nm

Your Condition Not Covered?

We took the complete photobiomodulation compilation by Vladimir Heiskanen and with his permission, cleaned it to use successful human focused studies.

The results were processed using the smartest AI model available (equivalent to Open AI - O1).

Use the below link to access the cleaned human focused studies and search for your condition:

RLT Home Dataset

Vladimir's original sheet is here.

2. Wavelength Density

  • A lot of brands out there claim that they have various wavelengths in their devices. But they don't mention the exact percentage of power that's coming from each wavelength. This is important!
  • For there to be real healing, the wavelength that you need should have substantial power percentage in the device, or it won't penetrate deep enough to heal.
  • If the brand you're looking at is not mentioning this, there may be a reason for it. Make sure you understand and ask the wavelength density of each wavelength before buying a device.
  • And make sure that there are a large percentage of LEDs shining that wavelength. This cannot be over-stressed.

Apples to Apples Comparison

All the wavelengths and densities are meaningless if the device doesn't have the light power to throw the light strongly enough at you so the light penetrates your skin and does its magic.

It doesn't matter if a brand uses a solar power meter or a spectrometer, as long as you know you're doing an apples to apples comparison between the brands you're considering. Solar power meters report a much higher irradiance than a Spectrometer, so you know.


Almost every decent brand has everything else - like low EMF, no Flicker, warranty, returns, necessary safety certificates. Even other things like beam angles etc all boil into the above three.

In Summary: If you take a little time to:
1. Determine what wavelengths are important to YOU.
2. Check that the wavelengths that are important to you have high density in the device.
3. And make sure that the device/brand has transparently revealed their Spectrometer irradiance and it's high.

Then you're going to buy a device that will provide wellness to you for years to come.

Built with Human Focused Data

We took the most effective Wavelength Combination and higher densities than any other device on the market and packed them into our gorgeous devices.

480nm (6%), 633nm (19%), 660nm (19%), 810nm (19%), 830nm (14%), 850nm (8%) and 1064nm (14%)

Our single LED design with 30 degree beam angles means we're unbeatable in Irradiance when compared to any other device on the market.

You won't find our devices on marketplaces like Alibaba thanks to the exclusive agreement with our suppliers.

Shop Total Spectrum Now!

How To Choose A Red Light Therapy Brand - RLT Home